Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Statistics wrap-up

For the most part the statistics homework was well done.
It was question 7 on this paper.
The two difficulties seemed to be
  • creating the cumulative frequency table from the original data given. Make sure that the last number in the cumulative frequency table is the sum of all the frequencies - which was 80 (already used this value in part ii)
  • figuring out how many cars were priced between the mean and the median. This was an unusual question. You had to take the mean you calculated in part ii (26.25 or 26,250), find this value on the X-axis, trace a vertical line to the curve and then find the corresponding position on the Y-axis. This should be 50. That tells you that the "50th car" is priced at the mean price. The number between the mean and median is therefore 50-40= 10 cars.
Note with this question that the mean would be quite a bit higher than the median. Why do you think this is?

Thursday's class will be all algebra.

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