Monday, February 4, 2008


This blog is aimed at my Leaving Cert students who are taking Ordinary Level Maths gearing up for their Mock exams and then for the Leaving Cert exams in June.

In real-world class, we will be preparing for the Mock exams which take place during the week starting Feb 18th.

Students can keep up with the schedule of revision using this blog. Any other students who may find this blog useful are welcome to join in.

The questions we are working toward are as follows:
Paper I
Q1 Arithmetic (completed mid Jan)
Q2 Algebra (Thurs 7th Feb)
Q3 Algebra (..)
Q4 Complex Numbers (Thurs 31 Jan)
Q6 Functions (Fri 1 and Tue 5 Feb)
Q7 Calculus (Fri 1 and Tue 5 Feb)
Q8 Calculus (Fri 1 and Tue 5 Feb)
Paper II
Q1 Perimeter Area + Volume (Fri 8 Feb)
Q2 Co-ord geom of Line (Fri 25 Jan)
Q3 Co-ord geom of Circle (Mon 28 Jan)
Q5 Trigonometry (Tue 29 Jan)
Q6 Probability (Wed 30 Jan)
Q7 Statistics (Wed 6 Feb)
Q11 Linear Programming (Fri 8 Feb)

All your comments and constructive feedback are welcome!

1 comment:

Peter Tanham said...

Hi! I like your blog, it's a very innovative approach to teaching beyond the classroom, and I'm sure many students will find it quite useful. I was wondering if you've ever heard of It's only recently created. It's a collection of Leaving Cert notes that is being built by students (both in school and college). I think it would definitely benefit greatly from input from teachers too, because as it grows in popularity and content, their moderation and advice could prove very useful. It works just like wikipedia (i.e. completely free for anyone to read and anyone to edit), so please feel free to try it out, maybe contribute some mathematics notes, or leave a comment.